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SEO – Search Engine Optimization

SEO – Search Engine Optimization

How Does Google Rank Your Website? What is SEO? A simple definition of SEO – search engine optimization in 2015 is that it is a technical and creative process to improve the visibility of a website in search engines, with the aim of driving more potential customers to...

Malware And Its Damaging Effects

Malware And Its Damaging Effects

The Damaging effects of malware is a major concern for growing businesses. Say what you will about hackers, they are a smart and diligent group of people, constantly creating new strategies for scamming or corrupting your computers, networks, and websites with various...

Google May Someday Rank Web Pages On Facts, Not Links

Google May Someday Rank Web Pages On Facts, Not Links

Google May Someday Rank Web Pages On Facts, Not Links Will Google someday rank web pages based on how accurate they are? A new paper suggests they might. Close your eyes and imagine a world where web pages are ranked not only on popularity — i.e., the links that point...

Is Pinterest Traffic Worthless?

Is Pinterest Traffic Worthless?

Recently while researching different avenues in social media I came across an article by Tony Clark ” Is Pinterest Traffic Worthless? “. I thought it was a good read for anyone looking to add Pinterest to their Social Media Marketing strategy. With that in mind I...

8 Ways to Get More People to Read Your Content

8 Ways to Get More People to Read Your Content

Your precious words. You know they’ve got to be right to attract the audience you want. You’ve slaved over them, carefully crafting each phrase. You finally hit “publish,” and what happens? Nobody reads them. No comments, no tweets, no sharing on Facebook. It’s enough...

SEO Doesn’t Have to Be Ugly

SEO Doesn’t Have to Be Ugly

Do you hate the thought of getting better at SEO? I totally understand where you’re coming from. For so many years, SEO seemed either a) impossibly technical, or b) really gross and spammy. Or both. Early SEO was a pretty brute force kind of deal. Jam a bunch of...

The 3 Essential Elements of Quality Content

The 3 Essential Elements of Quality Content

It can actually get a little awkward. I’ll have someone ask me why the content on their site has rapidly dropped in the search engines, or isn’t getting any real engagement with readers, or isn’t converting to opt-ins. I look at the site and realize there’s no nice...

SEO: Google to Make ‘Mobile-friendly’ a Ranking Signal

SEO: Google to Make ‘Mobile-friendly’ a Ranking Signal

On March 15, 2015, the article “SEO: Google to Make ‘Mobile-friendly’ a Ranking Signal” was posted on the web. It is a most read for any website owner. New Changes Start April 21 Do you have a mobile or responsive site? If not, on April 21 you may find it harder to...

7 Reasons Why List Posts Will Always Work

7 Reasons Why List Posts Will Always Work

7 Reasons Why List Posts Will Always Work It’s a blogosphere favorite for good reason — “list” content works, in large part due to the attention-grabbing power of the headline. What may be news to some bloggers is that the effectiveness of this type of headline and...