As the first and most important statement your brand will make, a quality logo design is one of the most essential vehicles for branding success. Whether you’re building a new brand or refreshing an existing one, evaluating the quality of your logo is an...
Website backgrounds are sort of like breathing. They’re part of our daily lives, but we never really pay attention to them unless there’s something glaringly wrong. And like every breath you take, website backgrounds are integral to the success and life of your...
Creating a website for free sounds like magic: impossible at best, a trick at worst. But web development is so common these days that there are dozens of ways to get it done—from high-end design agencies to free DIY website builders. For brands on a small budget,...
Depending on whom you ask, web designers seem to do it all these days. That’s because the term “web designer” is often used as an all-encompassing label for anyone who creates websites. The truth is a bit more complicated than that. It takes a lot of planning, content...
UX Design User experience (UX) design is the process design teams use to create products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. This involves the design of the entire process of acquiring and integrating the product, including aspects of branding,...
We live in an online world where having an awesome website has become an essential component of a successful business. A badly-designed site is likely to have people clicking the “x” in the top left of the screen before they’ve even glanced at what you’re selling. But...
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