On March 15, 2015, the article “SEO: Google to Make ‘Mobile-friendly’ a Ranking Signal” was posted on the web. It is a most read for any website owner. New Changes Start April 21 Do you have a mobile or responsive site? If not, on April 21 you may find it harder to...
7 Reasons Why List Posts Will Always Work It’s a blogosphere favorite for good reason — “list” content works, in large part due to the attention-grabbing power of the headline. What may be news to some bloggers is that the effectiveness of this type of headline and...
Stop Being Such a Tight Wad. Invest In a Great Website. You just worked your ass off for the last 12 months. Creating your product. Having samples made. Ordering 1 million of them because that’s the factory’s minimum. You had someone in Indonesia create a slick logo...
6 Common Misconceptions CEOs Have About Web Development Remember your last web development project? You went over budget, blew past deadlines and became frustrated with just about everyone involved at some point. The bad news? It was rough. The really bad news? It was...
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