You might be wondering why you would need an SSL or even what an SSL is, well an SSL is a digital certificate that authenticates a web site’s identity and enables an encrypted connection. Otherwise making it secure. It puts that s in HTTPS. Now, you’re probably wondering why you might need this. Well, that’s what I’m here to tell you.
There are many reasons you need to have an SSL one being that Google, Bing, and other search engines will not show that site or rank it for any keywords. They will do this because they see that it isn’t secure and automatically don’t trust it, therefore they do not want users to go there and possibly get hacked or have malware. Obviously, all sites that don’t have SSLs arent trying to hack you or corrupt your computer. Like I said before though search engines want a site to be secure for their users. That is why having an SSL is important to search engines.
Why should it be important to you? Well, let’s say you want to rank highly for one of your keywords like pancakes. You could optimize your site to the max and still not rank at all just because you don’t have an SSL It’s really important to have one so you get more traffic to your site without people thinking your site might be fake or a scam. Lots of people will avoid unsecured websites and Google automatically tries to stop them from going to the site if it is unsecured.
Good thing that it is really easy to get an SSL and if you do not have one can help. Once you are on our server your site will be secured with an SSL. Then you can start ranking, pulling in more traffic, and boosting your site.

If you would like to discuss Your Website’s SEO with or your website’s analytics, custom logo designs, graphic design, social media, website, web application, need custom programming, or IT consultant, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-859-9848 or you can email us at
Image provided by: Medium
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