Whether you’re a professional marketer or a business owner looking to do your own online marketing, you need certain traits in order to be successful. While some of these traits are inborn — meaning you either have them or you don’t — most can be learned...
As a kid, I used to enjoy watching reruns of the TV show “Naked City”, a police drama set here in New York City in the 60’s. As always, the good guys won and the bad guys lost. And, the closing voice-over, each week, solemnly intoned: “There are eight...
Mobile applications had already made significant market inroads prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, with users spending 87% of their time in app rather than directly on the web. The recent coronavirus crisis, however, has supercharged app development as companies look for...
As the first and most important statement your brand will make, a quality logo design is one of the most essential vehicles for branding success. Whether you’re building a new brand or refreshing an existing one, evaluating the quality of your logo is an...
Website backgrounds are sort of like breathing. They’re part of our daily lives, but we never really pay attention to them unless there’s something glaringly wrong. And like every breath you take, website backgrounds are integral to the success and life of your...
Creating a strong logo is one of the most important investments a company can make. Not only does it foster a strong first impression of your company, but it can separate your company from the competition and grab consumer attention in a crowded marketplace. So, what...
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