Web development has evolved a lot in the past few decades. From simple HTML pages to complex front-end frameworks, there’s been a greater demand for developers. In order to keep up with the fast-paced industry, developers need to stay ahead of the curve. Because of this, developers are more aware than ever before when it comes to current trends and advancements in web development.
New features of HTML, Java, and CSS
The giant leap in internet technologies such as HTML 5, JavaScript frameworks, and CSS3 has brought a lot of new features to web development. The introduction of IE8 and its features was a revolutionary step for the industry. In fact, even in the modern-day tech world, new features are added to increase the usability and scalability of websites. A few such examples include HTML5 drag and drop and the likes.
Web development has seen a lot of change in the last few years. For instance, once upon a time, Flash was considered an integral part of web development. However, this era came to an end when Apple announced that its latest OS won’t support Flash for any reason. Today, as developers focus on giving their users an all-around interactive experience, HTML5 is taking the center stage as far as web development is concerned.
HTML or WordPress
In terms of content management systems (CMS), WordPress seems to be the game-changer when compared to other options like Drupal and Joomla! Its simpler approach has received appreciation from several developers and designers. The highly customizable nature of WordPress has also made it a popular choice for web developers. WordPress isn’t the only CMS, though; more and more options have come to the forefront to cater to each developer’s needs.
Some people may argue that WordPress is exactly what you need when it comes to interaction with their customers and users. Web development companies like The WordPress Company offer specialized services that cater specifically to the needs of businesses and websites. They help build them from the ground up while adhering to industry standards and best practices.
Another major change that occurred in the web development world was the rise of JavaScript frameworks. These frameworks have made it easier for developers to come up with unique and innovative ways to interact with their users. In fact, there are quite a few online platforms that enable developers to create apps from scratch using a framework. jQuery’s popularity has increased as more and more web development companies use it for design; this is mainly because of its flexibility and easy-to-use interface.
User friendly
HTML5 has been getting a lot of attention in the last few years; this is mainly because of its versatility, user-friendly nature, and more. With the implementation of HTML5, many design elements have become more interactive and fun to use. With the introduction of HTML5, developers can create richer and more interactive websites than before.
The mobile market has also been creating a lot of buzz in the web development world. It’s always been important to have a mobile version of your website; however, now it’s almost mandatory to have a mobile and tablet version as well. Mobile app development has seen an increase in popularity because of its growing demand in the last few years. With the rise of smartphones and tablets, people are searching for such tools on these devices or via their browsers.
While coding languages like C++ and C# have also gained popularity, there has been a surge in the demand for experienced web developers. A good number of developers are now concentrating on languages like HTML5 and CSS3 to create powerful online tools. This can be attributed to the fact that HTML5 presents increased opportunities for layout, display, and styling.
For businesses looking to get ahead of their competitors, they can do so by using interactive and innovative website designs. Therefore, it will be essential to work with experts who have a strong understanding of emerging technologies in web development. Businesses need to ensure that they look into potential growth areas as well as avenues that can help them increase their customer base and make more money.
If you need someone who is an expert in the understanding and implementations of web development Mojoe.net is the perfect company for you. Give us a call at 864-991-5656 or email at dwerne@mojoe.net.

If you would like to discuss Your Website’s SEO with Mojoe.net or your website’s analytics, custom logo designs, graphic design, social media, website, web application, need custom programming, or IT consultant, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-991-5656 or you can email us at dwerne@mojoe.net.
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