Who does not like a great web site background pattern for their web site? I believe it can make the difference between an okay web site and a web site that has some class and style.There are hundreds of sites available on the web that show you how to make background patterns. There are even sites that will allow you to download the pre-made patterns that you can just drop in to Photoshop Presets folder. There are some classical background patterns that are used quite a lot; such as, TV line pattern, diagonal line pattern, and dotted pattern. These patterns have been over-used. I think if you are going to design a web site then an original background pattern is a must. There are definitely some exotic pattern creators out there as well. I personally like the subtle patterns they can be added to your Photoshop very easily and can be altered without much effort.

Background patterns for web sites can be that little extra design element that makes your site stand out from the rest. I have included some links to sites that I use for background patterns check them out below.

STRIPE GENERATOR (This is a generator that will make the patterns for you)

Stripe Generator for Web Site Backgrounds

SUBTLE PATTERNS (This is one of my favorites, love how subtle the patterns are and they even have a plugin for WordPress)

Subtle Patterns for Web Site Backgrounds

COLOR LOVERS (This site not only has patterns, but color palettes as well and it is a site that allows you to create your own custom pattern)

Color Lovers Web Site Background Patterns

DOTTER PATTERN (This site is a dotted background pattern generator, pretty useful if you are in a hurry and don’t want to do it yourself)

Dotted Patterns for Web Site Backgrounds

BG PATTERN CREATOR (This site allows you to basically create your pattern on the site, then you can download the image)

Pattern Creator for Web Site Backgrounds

BRUSHEEZY PATTERNS (This site as a wide variety of downloadable images for Patterns everything from Wood Background to Snowflake Patterns)

Brusheezy Patterns for Web Site Backgrounds

DIN PATTERNS (You want to talk about Exotic Pattern Creation this site definitely fits that description but it has some class and style in the patterns)

Din Patterns for Web Site Backgrounds

BG MAKER (Wow, now this site is the KING of Patterns over 1685 Pages for a total of 246,633 Patterns as of this Post May 2012. This site not only has this many patterns but also allows to make your own pattern on the site. Another Personal Favorite)

BG Pattern Maker and Gallery for Web Site Backgrounds

TARTAN DESIGNER (Now, if you’re feeling a little scottish and want a tartan for your web site background then this is the web site for you. As of May 2012 the site has over 123 pages with a  total of 615 Tartan designs. You can also make your own custom tartan as well)

Tartan Designer for Web Site Backgrounds

ALICE GRAFIXX (Once again this site has plenty to look at just like the others over 64 pages for a current total of 1024 pattern backgrounds as of May 2012.)

Alice Grafixx Patterns for Web Site Backgrounds

In conclusion, no matter the design, style, color, or feel of web site you are going for the 10web sites above offer a wide-variety of patterns and textures. Please feel free to post a comment or suggest another pattern site for this post. Stay connected till next week, when we talk about color and give you some very useful links that every designer should have when choosing a color palette.

Web Design, Web Development, Web Graphics, Website Designer, Developer, Development, Greenville, SC, SEOIf you would like to discuss Your Logo with Mojoe.net or your website’s analytics, custom logo designs, social media, website, web application, need custom programming, or IT consultant, please do not hesitate to call us at 864-859-9848 or you can email us at dwerne@mojoe.net.